Peter and the Wolf
See masterworks from the Jersey Chamber Orchestra in a concert including audience favourites Peter and the Wolf and the Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams.The beautiful sounds of the lark flying above the countryside have made the Lark Ascending one of the most popular works of Vaughan-Williams.
Lylis O’Hara - Soprano
The concert opens with Purcell’s classic Chancony. The powerful notes will take the listener through a wealth of emotions. Shakespeare needs no introduction. His world renowned work speaks for itself. First a recitation then Gerald Finzi’s 3 SoliloquIes from Love’s Labours Lost will enrapture. For some a highlight will be Anna Smith, performing the atmospheric Lark Ascending by Ralph Vaughan-Williams. Finally the voice of Music in Action Young Artist Lylis O'Hara will transport you to Cecilia McDowall's musical worlds in Four Shakespeare Songs.
The second half contains two orchestral works : Pastoral d’été composed by the French-Swiss compsoer Arthur Honneger inspired by the Swiss Alps. This work was inscribed with an epigraph by Arthur Rimbaud: ''J'ai embrassé l'aube d'été'' (I have embraced the summer dawn). It opens with a languorous theme on the horn.
Our final work will showcase the famous Peter and the Wolf story composed by Prokofiev with brilliant melodies conveying the story with music. Hear the wonderful sounds of each instrument from the quacking duck to the sounds of the Wolf and the hunters. You will leave with the words and music ringing in your ears.
Don’t miss your opportunity to join Music in Action at this exclusive event hosted by the amazing St Helier Methodist Church, where you will enjoy an ensemble of famous music and poetic works, a night of classics to remember!
If you need help booking tickets please call 07437536662 or email
The soloists tonight are Anna Smith who plays with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and Music in Action Young Artist Lylis O’Hara. The orchestra is conducted by the Chief Conductor Eamonn Dougan.
Music in Action are extremely grateful to an anonymous donor for supporting this concert.
Tickets: £1-£35 per person; £1 child ticket; £1 OAP discount
Music in Action is a Jersey registered charity that provides musical education to the people of Jersey including a focus on provision to disadvantaged children. After suffering a 75% loss of income during the pandemic, we need your help. If you feel able, please support Music In Action's important work with a voluntary donation added to your ticket price.